Scoring is entered via a tablet at the table and displayed on both the tablet and overlaid on the live video of the match on the table display.

Scoring Tablet

The keypad under each player is used by that player to enter their score. There is an associated ‘Score’ and ‘Foul’ button. Entry is simple, for example, if during your turn you made two reds, two blacks, and then fouled on the blue, you would enter:

16, Score, 5, Foul

In the center is a scrollable list of the scores entered, an “Undo” button that will undo the last entry, and an “End Game” Button to indicate that the game is over.

Table Display

The table display shows a live video of the match with match information overlaid.

The current scoring information is presented along the bottom, much like any televised snooker event.

The numbers in the top right indicate the last three breaks entered into the scoring system to allow a player to confirm that the scores were entered correctly without returning to the tablet.