The Ottawa Snooker Club was built by a snooker player for snooker players. We intend to continuously evolve to provide the best snooker product possible. We feel that if we do what is good for the game and for members, the club will be successful and provide a new model for amateur/recreational snooker.

Some of the current priorities include

  • Reducing the technical barriers to players
  • A greatly simplified scoring interface was implemented on dedicated tablets at the tables. Feedback has been wholly positive
  • We are working to make daytime leagues available with no app/device requirement whatsoever by allowing registration by phone/email/in person, keeping the room unlocked during league play (the building is unlocked during daytime leagues), and with the league automation that already exists, players can show up, go to their table, and play with no required app
  • We are generating resources to players to guide them through the typical interactions with the room automation
  • We continue to listen to player feedback and incorporate the best ideas on a priority basis
  • Enriching the experience with video possibilities
  • Table cameras have recently started recording locally. This opens many options to enrich the experience for players
  • Video of practice and matches will be made available to players in some way TBD
  • Highlights- great shots, high breaks, matches of note could be posted to a club YouTube channel.
  • An option to download the last 5, 10, 30 seconds of video to your phone to get a video of that amazing shot
  • Potential replays, overlaying current with a still to help replace balls after a foul and a miss
  • Many other possibilities
  • Getting the word out, growing membership and growing the game
  • This club is different from anything out there and before spreading the word, good resources are needed to explain what the club is and how it works. The website relaunch and the About area are the first steps in this direction
  • A keen member is putting together a plan to provide clinics to beginner and intermediate players, providing a place to start for people who would like to take up the game
  • Another keen member is putting together a very competitive, non-handicapped league to attract the best players around and see who really is King of the Club.
  • Marketing: with the resources in place to explain what the club is, reaching beyond the enthusiasts who have found the club through word-of-mouth becomes possible.