Membership Agreement

This Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) is between Ottawa Snooker Club (the “Club”) and the undersigned applicant (“Member”). This Agreement includes and incorporates by reference this Agreement, the Club membership terms and conditions attached, as well as etiquette guidelines posted on the Club’s website which may change from time to time.


Start Date
Email Address, Phone
ID Presented


This agreement takes effect when this agreement is executed by the Member and the Club.  Prior to the club executing this agreement, the Member must provide identification- a copy of which will be kept physically on file.  This identification will not be stored digitally by the club in any fashion.

There is no minimum term or maximum term of this agreement.  A Member may terminate this agreement at any time for any reason and receive a refund of any funds in their account.  The Club may terminate or suspend this agreement at any time at its sole discretion and refund any funds in the member’s account.

There is no penalty for cancellation.


Your membership is a privilege to use the Club facilities, equipment and services, and participate in Club sponsored activities, programs and events (collectively the “Club Facilities”) offered from time to time by the Club. 

The Club reserves the absolute right without notice to add, change or eliminate any Club Facilities or membership types and to change its hours of operation. Your membership does not entitle you to any interest or ownership in the Club or its property and confers no right to participate in the management or operation of the Club.

The membership types, the hourly cost of services, fees and other charges payable by the members, the suspension and termination of members, and all other matters affecting or relating to your membership shall be in the Club’s sole discretion.

The management of the Club Facilities and the purchase of the Club’s services are managed by an app that each Member must install on their smartphone and access via an account they create on that app associated with this Membership.  Through the app, a Member will be able to unlock the door to gain access to the Club, be assigned to tables, be able to offer and be offered snooker matches and score these matches, and be able to see their current account balance and recent transactions.


Members fund their account through the app and any other mechanisms that may be implemented by the club.  For example, email money transfer or even cash by appointment may be provided as a funding mechanism for those that do not wish to pay with a credit card via the app.

Funds are taken from this account for use of Club Facilities based on the amount of time used and the pricing for that facility at the time used for the duration used.  Pricing of facilities is subject to change at any time and current charges for table time, leagues, and tournaments will be posted on the Club’s website and visible in the app.


The Member acknowledges and agrees to the treatment of their personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the Club’s website.  The Club will notify Members via their email address on file of any updates to the Privacy Policy.  Continued use of Club Facilities by a Member after such notification is considered agreement.  A Member may  terminate this agreement if such an update is unacceptable to them.


Membership provides club access to Members, they can unlock the club door with their app.  Guests may download the app, add funds to their account, and play on Club facilities if a Member provides them access.  The Member providing access is responsible to ensure that the Guest adheres to this agreement and is liable for any breach made by the Guest.

This applies to any non-member who is allowed access by a Member.  A member must ensure that nobody closely follows them into the club unless they intend to be responsible for that Guest’s actions.


While the Club is unaware of any significant injury caused by playing snooker- the Member assumes any risk of personal injury to them or their Guest


The Member understands and agrees that the Club is not liable for loss, damage or theft of any personal property while in or on the Club Facilities. Members shall be responsible for any and all damage to any Club property caused by them or their Guest


The Member and any Guest of the Member agrees to follow the Club Rules as well as the Etiquette Guidelines as posted in the Club and on the Club’s website.  Members will be notified by email of any changes in these documents and agree to abide by these changes when they occur.  If a Member disagrees with any change in the Club Rules or Etiquette Guidelines they may terminate this agreement.  Continued visits to the Club and use of Club Facilities will be considered agreement with any updates to these documents.


If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held unenforceable, such provision or portion thereof, shall be severed from this Agreement, and such unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement.


By signing below, you agree that you have read, understood and received a complete copy of this Agreement. You agree to be bound by the Membership Agreement Terms and Conditions, the Club Rules, Etiquette Guidelines of the Club, and any other such rules and regulations as may be posted at the Club from time to time, all of which are incorporated by reference in this Agreement.

Member Signature
Club Signature