You can find other players who are looking for opponents using the MatchFinder feature of the app. You can access this feature from the top right menu on the main screen of the app. You can post here indicating the day you want to play, up to a week ahead and some short message- “Evening, best of 5”, for example.

All other users will see this posting if they look at the matchfinder in their app. Further, if they have enabled email notifications, they will get an email about your posting.

You can reply to posts directly in the app and make arrangements to meet at the club. There is no need to exchange contact information. Any replies will be visible to everybody in the app, and the poster and others that have replied to that post will get email notifications if they enabled email notifications.

You can mute specific users, for example if they post looking for matches a lot, but there’s a wide skill gap and you’d prefer not to play them, for example, to keep the noise down. You can edit your mute list to unmute anybody you have muted.

The poster can indicate that a match was found- and then there will be no further comments allowed against that posting.